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Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011. The ain't no cure for the summertime blues.

Summer heat and Parkinson's Disease don't go well together. Except when there is a rare reprieve, I've basically curtailed my walking. Two blocks and I am soaking wet.

I loved the summer as a kid. Almost nightly we'd get together whatever friends were home for a game of softball. The idea of staying in the house, would never occur to us. I love modern technology, but with it we pay a price. Do kids today play wii or guitar hero indoors rather then go out? I wouldn't trade childhoods with today's generation for the world.

I drove on Thursday. The first time since I hurt my back, nearly two months ago. I did fine. I did about 70 miles.

The disease progresses slowly, but there are noticeable signs.

My work, however, is improving. More business and better concentration.

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