When you hear the words “Coup d’état” The United States is not the first country that comes to mind. Donald Trump and much of the Republican party are now attempting to overthrow our government. Think about it.
It is not the type of overthrow that you may typically think of. For a long time, I have had my own theory about a conspiracy. If you wanted to overthrow this government what would you do it? You wouldn't do this overnight. It would a long-term plan. And you may even consider that you're overthrowing the government but that is the result.
This plan started about 30 years ago. It started with Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh started to are people, by insisting that Liberals, Democrats, Feminists, African Americans ACLU Cardholders were their worst enemy. Without mentioning the of Joseph McCarthy he tried brought us back to the 1950s and McCarthyism. He hasn't succeeded completely, but he did put that thought into a lot of minds. Many of whom now occupy the House of Representatives, Senate, and White House.
While offsprings of Rush (Hannity, Levine, Ingram, etc..) would start to pop up on radio stations that would program nothing more than Right-wing Hate radio.
The second member of this quiet conspiracy was Newt Gingrich. He wanted then, and still wants to bring down the Democrats. The first target was going to be Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton didn't help himself.
Ken Starr, the third member, was hired for prosecuting any crimes resulting from Whitewater. Clinton's sexual escapades were not part f the investigation. The special prosecutor's statute allows them to expand the investigation.
The plan backfired with Clinton. He was doing a good job as President, and impeachment only made him stronger. They had to blame someone else. His wife. "How dare Hillary Clinton, stay with him, after what he did." Think about it, what else has she done that makes her the enemy of the right. She was considered a good senator, who worked well with both sides, As Secretary of State, she was investigated more than any person that I can think of. She was cleared every time and continued, despite everything to be a patriot. She has been out of the limelight for 4 years, and the rightwingers still yell "lock her up." Regardless of the fact that they cannot find a crime.
George W. Bush was not in on the conspiracy but served their purposes. His politics were right-wing, and he would surround himself with their type of people, (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc...). That gave them eight years to work behind the scenes.
During these eight years, they are anything but quiet. They have support from the Supreme Court (Antonin Scalia and ClaranceThomas) but need more, and George Bush satisfies that need. He picks John Roberts and Samual Alito. Roberts eventually backfires, has too much integrity to play the game. But Alito gives them the third justice.
They need a miserable Senator who will block everything liberal, to be majority leader. If they happen not to be in the majority he will have no compunction against filibustering and Democratic proposal. Enter Mitch McConnell.
Their policy is slander and lie, Knowing that if you say something often enough it will stick. The democrats think that they can beat an unpopular president in 2004. Both President and Vice President have questionable military records. In contrast to the Democrats nominate the most Liberal Senator, who also voluntarily served his country, winning the purple heart. Somehow they would get the country to believe that John Kerry, who bravely served, was the coward.
The 2008 Election, gives the impression that they may have failed. They nominate someone who will never play along, John McCain. Worse he's running against a black man.. They must now figure out how to counter this advantage. How can they continue to bring the country into fascism and counterbalance the advantage gotten from a minority candidate? Sarah Palin.
Bring in a beauty queen. They'll get the female vote. Republicans always underestimate females. they won't vote for a moron. When they finally realize that she is an idiot, they turn to their superweapon.
"What would Americans fear even more than a black man?" Answers pop-up from everywhere, but only one man had the right answer. Republicans all knew this man. They all recognized him. Some despised him, some merely disliked him. The man spoke. "I know how to do this. Nobody ever thought of this before. This is the largest crowd any speaker has ever gotten. Can we chant 'Lock her up?" The two other men chatted. He told the plan. "Make all of the American bigots believe that he was born elsewhere."
Despite Donald Trump's brilliant plan, now called "birtherism." Republicans lose in 2008, and in 2012 However McConnell's vow of patriotism, "my main goal is to see that Barack Obama serves one term.
For the short time, that President Obama had the minority, things got done. They saved the Auto Industry; Passed "Lily Ledbetter;"
Passed "The Affordable Care Act Pass" while Republicans are in the minority. However when Republicans take over the majority in 2010. Due to McConnell, It became very difficult to get any legislation. McConnell also blocked judges.
Due House at the time looked unwinnable for years to come. The Republicans had made that elections are controlled, First by Gerrymandering the Congressional districts and the legislative districts to the point that it is not unusual for a state that has far more democrats have a majority of the voters, with a minority of the representatives.
Almost a year before President Obama leaves office Justice Scalia. Republican leader McConnell violates his oath of office and does not all "advise and consent" on his proposed successor. FDDemocrats do nothing.
2016 it is time for Obama to go. But they overplay their hand. They nominate Donald TrumpThe problem was not his cooperation. He want s to control the world. It was his mouth. He would time and again confess to all of his wrongdoing, but the democrats have done nothing.
Long before the 2016 election, the Republican's work was done. Hillary Clinton was arguably the most qualified person ever running for President But the Republicans had long poisoned her to the American people.
Trump wins in 2016 and immediately chooses a far-right Justice. Their plans had been so far foiled. because Roberts turned out to be a wildcard, Justice Kennedy's subsequent retirement and replaced by another far-right, should have given a clear 5-4 majority. But it didn't because of Justice Roberts.
They have control of the Senate and The White House. Without control, The State Department and the Justice Department, can't complete the coup.
Trump never understood ethics. When Jeff Sessions rightfully recuses himself from the Russian Investigation, he throws fits. He eventually replaces Sessions with William Barr.
Barr appears to the perfect guy for this plan- he protects the President.
While this is going Trump is nominating Reactionary judges. McConnell is letting them through
At this time the Republicans who had planned his coup, have control of the Senate. Justice Department, State Department (Mike Pompoa, The Secretary of State was acting far more political . The only stopping them is the courts. The Right has 4 definite votes: Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanagh. The left has four votes: Ginsberg, Bryer, Sotomayor, and Kagen. Roberts has taken the role that O'Connor and Kennedy had. He was unpredictable.
Then Ginsberg dies.
It didn't completely work this time, but the Republicans have not given up. Let's see what happens with President Biden's cabinet choices.
By cooperating with Trump on his ridiculous fight to eep the Presidency, they have poisoned the Trump/Harris for their entire Presidency
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