Yesterday, as I sat on the bus crossing over the 59th Street Bridge, I could see the United Nations Building, The Empire State Building, The Woolworth Building and my favorite The Chrysler Building. I came to the realization of something that I have known for many years. New York City is the only place in the world for me to live. On the bridge, my mind can hear the sounds of Simon and Garfunkel, my "home-boys" from Forest Hills. I realized that three of the aforementioned buildings, were at one time, the tallest building in the world.
New York City also affords me the opportunity to keep my business running. I have become dependent upon the subways, the rails and the buses. No other city in this country has a mass transit system like New York.
On April 16, I will be participating in a walk for a cure for Parkinson's disease. The walk takes place in Central Park. This could be my favorite spot in the world. A lush green oasis in the middle of a beautiful concrete jungle. The Park is gorgeous in April. The response to join grouchomarc's team (appropriate name, don't you think?) has been overwhelming. As I'm writing this a friend of mine gave me an idea, fake nose, mustache and glasses for all. If you want to join me, load your ipod with Simon and Garfunkel and come on down.
I have wonderful friends, I have a wonderful family, I live in the best place in the world. I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone, but it does make me appreciate how lucky I truly have been.
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